take up的所有意思用法

巴士英语更新于2020-07-03 11:08  浏览 手机访问


take up的所有意思用法

take up为高频多义短语动词,take 和up字面意义上的组合,是“拿起”,也是其基本义。我们以take up的基本义为根,其衍生义为枝叶,做成语义树,培养同学们以基本义为核心在具体语境中推测衍生义的思维能力。

take up

1、take up表示“拿起 (pick up)”,如:

She took up her things and stormed out of the office.

2、take up表示“(尤指为消遣) 学着做;开始做”,如:

After he retired from office, Rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

3、take up表示“开始从事;开始担当(to start or begin sth such as a job)” ,如:

If you want to take up this job, you should first be trained for three months.

4、take up表示“占用 (occupy)” ,如:

The desk takes up a lot of room.

Helen always helps her mother even though going to school takes up most of her day.

4、take up表示“接受(to accept sth that is offered or available)”,如:

Rick took up the challenge and cycled alone for 250 miles.


1. 释义1,4给出同义词以帮助理解释义,可以形成联想记忆。
2. 释义3,5给出英语释义以帮助理解释义。
3. 释义3还可与post,position,duties等搭配。
4. 高考书面表达中考查过释义4“占用”。另外,“占用”还可与space搭配。
5. 释义5还可与offer,invitation等搭配。


根据句意选出take up的最佳释义。

①拿起   ②(尤指为消遣) 学着做;开始做  ③开始从事;开始担当  ④占用   ⑤接受

__________ 1. Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. (2015 陕西)

__________ 2. By taking up the offer, the voucher (优惠券) holders can choose to book either a basic twin or double room at the chosen B&Bs. (2012 四川) 

__________ 3. Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment. (2009 重庆)

__________ 4. In fact, non-verbal communication (非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really mean. (2012 全国)  

__________ 5. I took up my umbrella and stepped into the rain.

Key: 1.③   2.⑤   3. ②    4.④   5. ①


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